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Easy Song

Clear Cover Songs with Easy Song

​Get 100% of the rights you need to release your new version of any song in 1-2 business days. Real people, free research. Licensing done right.

Clear Cover Songs

Do You Need a License? Whenever you record a song that someone else wrote, you need to get permission from the copyright holders. This is true even if you are giving away your recording. Getting permission involves contacting the copyright holders for each song and it can be a real pain if you haven’t done a lot of this. When you hire Easy Song Licensing, they take care of everything for you.

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How It Works

 Contact Easy Song Licensing to discuss your project and the songs you want to license.

• For expedited delivery immediate payment is required. Or, you can wait for Easy Song Licensing to research your songs before buying.

• Easy Song Licensing accepts payment online and over the phone with a credit card.

• After payment is received Easy Song Licensing will follow the Compulsory Law to obtain your mechanical licensing. Under this law, the copyright holder cannot refuse the license, which makes it possible for them to license 100% of any song. Licenses from Easy Song Licensing never expire.

• You will get Proof of Licensing in your email in 1-2 business days. This PDF attachment is what you will need to provide as proof that you have legally cleared your song(s).

• Your Proof of Licensing is securely and privately saved in your Easy Song Licensing account, and you also have the option to display it publicly for an additional fee.


The Easy Song Licensing Difference

The Easy Song Licensing Difference:


• Legally release your new recording of any song.


• Obtain 100% of the rights you need, quickly and easily in 1-2 business days.


• You can talk to a real person who will handle everything for you.


• You get PDF Proof of Licensing in your email, and each request is securely saved online.


• Show the world you are legal with the IDBLM Seal of Authenticity (optional, $20 per album or single, never expires).

Clear Cover Songs Now

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